Tuesday, January 13, 2009

thoughts on the rich and famous

So I was struggling with the topic of my second post. Currently, I'm at home on my winter break from college and therefore there isn't too many exciting things to talk about in my life. This past month has been spent catching up with my family, spending quality nights with some of my best friends and a whole lot of knitting and tv on dvd. 

So since I haven't had much to do I found myself watching the Golden Globes on Sunday night. I don't know how many watched, but I'm sure  many of you are familar with the alleged feud between Jennifer Anniston and Angelina Jolie. Now I've heard numerous people gush over Angelina's beauty, and well there really is no denying that. However, am I the only one who sees her as a frighteningly cold, distant woman? I mean I can't imagine having my privacy invaded as the stars do (as I sit anonymously behind my computer screen sharing my thoughts with the world :] ), but I mean they did ask for it. They didn't become a world famous actor without WANTING to be one and in that right, opening up their lives to public view. So forgive me if I don't feel too bad for them. But she just seems so rude and cold to everyone she encounters. It's hard to believe she does so much good for so many people. It seems as if the woman doesn't have a soul, or feelings, like really, a surgeon may slice her open and find nothing but an abysmal black hole. So I suppose my point is that if I were Brad, you know, possibly the most beautiful man to have ever graced the silver screen with his presence, I would have stuck with Jen. Not only is she gorgeous, but she seems to really appreciate what she's got. And as for Angelina, it wouldn't kill her to crack a smile once and again. (And people complain that V.Becks doesn't smile.)

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